2011. 9. 22. 12:26
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epa02928689 Cathrin Meinardus from the Institute for Geography Erlangen stands at the botanical gardens at a dendrometer, a growth measuring device, atttached to the 'Talking Tree' in Erlangen, Germany, 21 September 2011. Scientists have equipped the 150 year old oak with diverse measuring devices, whose results are published daily on Twitter, Facebook and their own website. The tree, who speaks to people, who complains about the weather and comments on his photosynthesis, is a project of the Insitute of Geography of the Erlangen-Nuremberg University in cooperation with the magazine Spektrum der Wissenschaft (Spectrum of Science). EPA/Daniel Karmann < 연합뉴스 모바일앱 다운받기 >< 포토 매거진 >< 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >

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